Black History Month

Black History Month

October is Black History Month. At Cliffe Woods each year group has been learning about different subjects and areas within Black History.

The art work above was produced by Year 5 and is of Nelson Mandela. Year 5 have been studying the life of Mandela and his efforts to end apartheid in South Africa. Year 5 created the art using a rainbow of colours to reflect how South Africa is now known as the ‘rainbow nation’ due to it being home to many different people and cultures.

Year 6 have been researching influential figures in black history and the difference they made to the lives of many, both at the time and still today. Many of the children were fascinated with the life of Walter Tull particularly, especially when they realised he was born not far away from us – in Folkestone, Kent!

In Year 3, the children studied Yinka Shonibare in Art and created collages. In English the pupils researched William Cuffay, prepared their ideas and then had a very interesting debate!

Lastly on the 19th of October, two of our reading ambassadors read a book they had picked as an addition to our class libraries, John Agard’s Windrush Child, to some of our younger pupils.

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