A warm welcome from our
Head of School
“Our aim is for our children to be confident, caring, resilient, inquisitive young adults with a desire to learn and achieve the best they can in all they do and be best prepared for the future.
Our children are wonderful ambassadors, so if you would like to know more about what makes our school the place that it is, please get in touch, and our children would be delighted to show you around and introduce you to everyone who makes Cliffe Woods Primary School such a special and incredible place”.
Latest News
Year 6’s Creative Partnership with Southeastern Railway to Encourage Green Travel
This year, our Year 6 pupils embraced an exciting opportunity to work with Southeastern Railway on a project encouraging environmentally friendly travel. As part of their campaign to promote train travel over car use, Southeastern...
Cliffe Woods PTA Donates Book Vending Machine to Encourage Literacy
Cliffe Woods PTA has made a generous and exciting contribution to the school community with the donation of a book vending machine. This innovative initiative aims to encourage a love of reading among students and...
New Wellbeing Ambassadors Appointed!
Mrs Tinkler and Miss Clear, the Pastoral Team at Cliffe Woods Primary School are extremely excited to introduce the team of newly appointed Wellbeing Ambassadors. These children are Isla, Grace, Amelia, Katie, Millie, Sam, Isla...